If Daylight Savings Time (Summer/Winter Time) is to be used, make sure it is set BEFORE setting the current time.

1.  Enter the keypad programming mode using the Master Programming Code.

Set the time in the keypad?

2.  Press option 1 for Keypad Setup.

Set the time in the keypad?

3.  Press option 1 for Set Time.

Set the time in the keypad?

4.  Enter the current time in 24-hour format (ie. 3:20 p.m. is entered as 15:20) followed by #.

Set the time in the keypad?

Wait for the keypad LCD to clear, or press 0z to back up to the previous menu. Optionally, you can press and hold 0z to power down the keypad.


Applicable to:
Time Lock Keypad
