The Brute™


The Brute door deadlatch is easy to install in high-security, heavy-traffic applications like ATM rooms, research labs, and other secure spaces.

SKU: 8497 Category: Tag:


Sargent and Greenleaf’s high-security, heavy-duty door deadlatch—the Brute—delivers unmatched security for indoor applications, with an inside-release knob to allow for rapid egress. Surface-mounted and with flexible strike options for both inswing and outswing doors, the Brute door deadlatch is designed for durability and ease of use.

Required 24 VDC voltage increases bolt retraction force without harming the heavy-duty 12 VDC solenoid.

Product Features



Easy installation and retrofit.

Inside release knob for rapid egress.

Heavy-duty 12 VDC solenoid.

Maximum retraction 30 seconds.

Product Options


#1 for in-swing doors

#2 for outswing doors

#3 for in-swing or reverse bevel in-swing doors

#9 for outswing double doors



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Compare Clear
Number of Codes
Dual Control
Time Delay (in minutes)
Centrally Controlled
EMP Resistant
Audit Capability
Number of Audit Events
Smartphone Compatible
Number of Wheels
False Gates
Wheel Case Material


6376 S&G 630-222

Part Numbers

Part Number Type Application Included Strike
8497-100 Kit Inswing Door #1
8497-101 Kit Outswing Door #2
8497-102 Kit Inswing Door #3
8497-103 Kit Outswing Double Door #9
8497-105 Brute Only Inswing Door None
8497-106 Brute Only Outswing Door None
8497-001 Strike (only) Inswing Door #1
8497-002 Strike (only) Outswing Door #2
8497-003 Strike (only) Reverse Bevel Inswing Door #3
8497-004 Strike (only) Outswing Double Door #9
8497-005 Bolt Assembly Outswing (change handing) None
8497-006 Bolt Assembly Inswing (change handing) None
The Brute Part Numbers (.xls)